SPS Finquest Limited

The Company was incorporated in 1996 in the name Ceenik Holdings Pvt. Ltd. later on changed its name to SPS Finquest Private Limited and further converted to Public Limited as SPS Finquest Limited. The Company is promoted by Mr. Sandeep Pramod Shah and family. The Company is in financing business in an IPO, Trade Funding, Loan against Stocks and Securities. The Company holds Non-deposit taking NBFC certificate from RBI. The Company was listed on BSE_SME w.e.f. 03/06/2014. The Company is now migrated to main board of BSE w.e.f. 02/11/2021.

SPS Finquest Limited is part of Mumbai based diversified "SPS Group" having business operations in the fields of Stock Broking, Depository Participant, Mutual Fund distribution, Portfolio Management (PMS), Insurance Repository Services and Insurance Broking.

Exit Letter of Offer

BSE Notice 16-12-2024 Discontinuation of Trading and Delisting of Equity shares of SPS Finquest Limited

Delisting Letter of Offer

28th AGM Notice